I had seen a few comics/drawings where Sans has on only a tee shirt or has a magic belly or something and most people give him human anatomy so I thought what if and this happened. ecto 23 body 1 female 6142 nightmare 6482 sans 6901. I added Frisk's skeletal system to help prove my point a little more that even though they're still a child, they're skeletal structure is still proportioned very differently from the bros. It'd also make sense that his hips/pelvis would be a lot smaller than Sans' since his overworld and battle sprites have much smaller hips/pelvis than what would be anatomically correct for human skeletons.

*For Papyrus, it would make sense with his "battle body" that his rib cage is shorter than an average humans but just as wide sideways as his brother's, giving him the illusion of having a puffed out chest under his shirt and scarf. If this was the case, then it would make sense that his sprite doesn't wear anything under his jacket/coat and what you see in the overworld view and battle view is actually the center of his rib cage and a few ribs. Do you know the bara Underfell Sans from Sugar Drop Hes that Red. own already-formed ecto-body, before positioning himself at Inks entrance. Ecto-Vagina (Undertale) Ectobiology Ecto-Body (Undertale) Ecto-Breasts (Undertale) Ecto-Ass (Undertale) Oral Sex Rough Sex Vaginal Sex Drunk Sex Papyrus and Sans Are Not Related (Undertale) Summary. *They're both human like skeletons but they're still technically monsters so it would make sense for them to have more monster like anatomy rather than human anatomy, right? So what if Sans really is as big as he looks but it's only because his rib cage and hips/pelvis are much wider and thicker than your average human. Cmics errorink Undertale, Undertale drawings, Undertale cute Article from. First off, here's my headcannon for the skelebros.